
The hate you give pages
The hate you give pages

The male characters are usually referred to as 'the boys', one of Starr's friends uses the phrase 'besties before testes', which is just plain rude, and all of the male characters fall into stereotypical categories. The issue I have is how casually this book treats gender stereotypes, with not a single word said about how wrong it is. The lack of concern for other stereotypes: Racial stereotypes are tackled in this book alongside other aspects of racism, but that's not the issue here.

the hate you give pages

A book's ending should, in my opinion, convey the message of the book. Ending related to the message who? This ending (and the entire King subplot) sour the book. The ending: The ending of the book involved Starr almost dying when King, who's basically a mob boss or something, tries to burn it down. Now, on to the parts of the book that let me down, which, unfortunately, ends up being quite a bit. Showing this message was good, and the book did it well. As much as I wish it was not the case, racism and police brutality are still very much a thing, and we need to do a better job of recognizing these issues if we want to defeat them. The message: This book is definitely an important read because it tackles difficult subjects. It feels realistic and natural as part of the story. Starr ending her friendship with Hailey: I think this part of the book did a good job of conveying that it's okay to break off friendships that are toxic. The protest: The scene leading up to the protest near the end and the protest itself were done really well. With that being said, the things that I think this book did well were. I'll start with the parts of the book that I liked, since I want to show all parts of this book, good and bad. I do, however, think this book is far from perfect, and I'll share my thoughts on what I think could have been done better. I think many books that cover sensitive topics are, in a lot of ways, immune to criticism, which I assume is because people could be like 'Oh, you thought The Hate U Give was a bad book? You must be racist'.

the hate you give pages

Similarly to All American Boys, I found this book to be one with an important message on racism and police brutality, but the story itself has some problems that I think a lot of people overlook.

the hate you give pages

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